Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It'g good to.....


I have recently discovered that teaching is not an individual activity - meaning you are not alone.

Just when you think that your lessons are crap and your behaviour management is bad - you talk to another teacher in another subject and they are having the same problems with the exact same bunch of kids. So ALL IS NOT BAD!!! I AM NOT ALONE..

I was having a particular problem with one teenager, who was not working in class and being slightly disruptive. Anyway, I was talking to my mentor about this kid and it turns out she also taught him/her. She was able to show me the work he/she had produced for her and she also gave me some hints on how to interact with him/her , having taught him/her for two years. This enabled me to motivate him/her into being more productive in class.

SO NOTE TO SELF: if you are having a problem - TALK TO OTHERS.


I am thinking about setting up a cheerleading club
in school. Good idea??


Kenneth... said...

You know what they say: a problem shared is great gossip for the rest of the staffroom. LOL

By the way you're not breaching confidentiallity by indicating the gender of the pupil. However you may wish to consider using "it" instead of "him/her" or just use "the pupil".

We are still waiting for the photos of your classroom to be posted on flickr.

alysse_firefly said...

Cheerleading? Do they have a football team or someone to cheer, or is it for the sport itself? Either way sounds good and fun, for you and them!

I have been on my 1st week of my 1st placement this week and boy do I get you about talking to people. Its amazing, not just when people agree that so and so can be difficult but just in general about the school, pupils and teachers. I've learned so much this week about how not to commit major & minor faux pas with classes and other staff.

have a good one

Duncan__ said...

Just one disruptive pupil, then? (And only "slightly disruptive", too.) You're lucky!